Amy Sprague is surely one of those authors to
keep an eye on. What inspires me most about this young author is that her books
offer help to children in dealing with various issues that they can relate to.
Amy has a latest release on bullying and I hope you will give it a look. I
commend her in her efforts to help so many who have been affected as a result
of bullying.
Amy Sprague details the lasting emotional
torment, which is often the result of bullying. It seems as time goes on that
bullying in schools is becoming even worse of a problem.
Bullying—From Victim to Survivor allows the
reader to
see the dangerous effects of bullying from a
victim’s point
of view. Amy offers insight and advice to
anyone who may
be dealing with bullying, and the risks of not
speaking out.
A Bit About Amy~
Sprague was born in Berlin, Vermont, grew up in Williamstown, Vermont, and now
resides in Northern Maine with her children. Amy's first self-published
children's book 'Alex and the Panda' won the 2012 International Book Awards
Competition for 'Best New Children's Picture Book'. In 2013 her second
self-published children's book 'Emily's Magical Bike' won an Award in the New
England Book Awards Competition in the 'Children's Book' category. Amy's books
all receive recognition from 'The Write Agenda' for the 'Bestseller Author
Watch' list as well. Amy is a Goodreads Author, has a Twitter account and an
Author Page on Facebook.